Tales from a car salesman
Ask me anything about sales, life, business, pop culture or anything else! I am one of the top Kia salesmen in the entire nation! I have answers to your sales questions I can provide answers From objections to what the fuck moments in car sales or life however sales AND life are the same across all platforms its the same technique and a different product I am passionate about it and will be doing a 365 tour of the world of sales and other things... This will be raw unfiltered and unedited
Tales from a car salesman
Roundtable on Douchebags
Season 1
Episode 23
Audio Player
00:00 | 32:05
In this episode we talk everything business with my first roundtable style podcast with a familiar voice and some new ones while having a couple of glasses of whiskey we also nearly violently point out why you shouldn't be a douchebag...